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15 Beginner Art Terms!

Art lingo can sometimes be confusing, especially when talking to a professional artist. But have no fear! I have made a very basic list to get your artistic talking a-flowing!

  1. Composition- The arrangement of the Art piece- The way it is made up.

  2. Complimentary Colors- Colors that are directly across from each other on the color wheel.

  3. Hue- Another word for Color or Shade.

  4. Tint- Contrary to car window tints, a Tint in the art world is actually the lightening of a color- adding a light color.

  5. Shade- This is what Car Tinting should be called- a darker color.

  6. Medium- What the art is made of ie.) Oil Paint, Colored Pencil, Graphite etc...

  7. Media- The plural form of Medium.

  8. Tooth- The roughness of paper.

  9. Cold Press Paper- During the paper-making process they use a "cold" press causing the paper to stick to the press making a "toothier" paper.

  10. Hot Press Paper- They use a "hot" press making a smoother paper with less tooth.

  11. Stippling- A style of rendering made up of many tiny dots to make shades.

  12. Hatching- A style of rendering using parallel lines to make shades.

  13. Cross Hatching- A style of rendering using intersecting sets of parallel lines to make shades.

  14. Scumbling- A style of rendering using random movements of the pencil, usually circles or spirals, to make shades.

  15. Rendering- The building up of shades/colors making an image.

  16. Wash- A transparent layer of paint, ink, etc... (gave you one extra because I like you!)


Post THREE of SEVEN is done! It was definitely a short one today but it has been a long day filled with work, school, and cleaning house. Thanks for keeping up with the blog challenge, I appreciate it! Again, I encourage anyone who would like to join in the challenge to do so and to share your posts with me (I would love to read them <3!)

Thanks for reading and I will see you tomorrow!

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